Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane FireplacesModerustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces 909 989 6129


Darrel Kelley Fireplace

Here is the fireplace remodel for Darrel and Beverly Kelley in Upland California on the Upland Hills Golf Course.

Sterling SIlver Panels

Raised base of the fireplace 4"

Bronze FireGlass

Bronze Reflective FireGlass


Custom Metal work

Stack Stone

12" Hearth


Here is how it started

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Now the wood mantle is installed, sand blasted and clear coated

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Click below or on the picture below to see step by step makeover

Darrel Kelley Fireplace Remodel

Here are two videos:

Darrel Kelly Makeover 909-989-6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730


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Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces